The Psychology of Dating 'Up'

How I went from lowering my standards to securing a man who is at my level

Copy my exact steps to success with this masterclass

Thursday, 08 August 2024
06:30 PM BST

Webinar Session has ended now.

Do you consider yourself to be a very successful woman?    

For a while you've been thinking that the dating pool is full of people that are still figuring themselves out.  

You're the kind of woman who has a strong vision for your life. ✅

You're highly motivated in your career.✅  

You have strong female friendships.  ✅

You've worked on yourself.  ✅

And you wonder "where is the man who is going to meet me at my level?"...  

You are not alone in thinking this. I've been here too.


In this masterclass, we will dive deep into the psychology of dating up to understand why you should aim higher unapologetically. Most importantly, how to adopt a new mindset to completely elevate your dating experience for GOOD and attract the men who, like you, already know what they want. 

There is something you should know...

Up until about 9 years ago, I was in exactly the same position as you.  My corporate career was the strongest relationship I had and I truly channelled my all into it.  I knew I was smart and ambitious but it just felt like the only men I was actually attracting were men who were still figuring themselves out.

It got to a point where I had had enough.  Through trial and error, I finally understood what exactly I had to do to start seeing a difference and fast in my love life. 

 Since that shift, my standards have continued to rise allowing me to be with men who were not only on my level but in some areas of their lives, even a few steps ahead of me.

 I am now with a man who like myself has travelled the world, is spiritually inclined and doesn't just have one business but is about to build his third!  For the first time, I am fully sitting in my feminine energy - and I wish I had sat in it sooner!

Here's what I have happily been able to say goodbye to: 

1. No more dumbing down my achievements  - I am not only free to dream big for myself but we also dream big together.  
2. No more feeling like I am the man in the relationship - He is very much in his leadership role whilst still being able to be both loving and generous.  

3. No more feeling like I am my partner's mother - He treats me as his equal and doesn't expect me to pick up where his mother left off! And those are just a few of the benefits...

If you're reading this and you know you have been trying to get the same results,  this masterclass will take you through the steps I took to get here and show how you can do the same.


In this 90 minute masterclass, you will learn...

Why aiming high in love is essential for successful women  

How to identify and avoid settling for less than you deserve  

What necessary steps I took to revolutionise my love life The ONE mindset shift to transform your dating life and attract high value relationships